Friday, December 31, 2010


This past year has seen many changes in the publishing community such as a tightening of the belt in the numbers of novels agented and advances that authors dreamed of getting smaller and smaller every day. Now an author must step up and make his/her presence known to the readers, touting their book(s), drawing in customers and driving sales (building platforms is crucial to a published author’s success). We have also seen many authors who believe in their work go the self-published route.

Self-published authors are increasing in number every month. When I took up the call to be a published author I read that agents would not count any self-published novel as a plus in a query letter. Even the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award (ABNA) contest excluded self-published novels. The self-published novel has come full circle and is now included in the ABNA and other contests throughout the year.

Many authors have turned to publishing their material in eBook format. This is a bold move because digital books are taking off in total sales. They are driving a publishers bottom line and in many cases saving a company from going into the red. We live in exciting times and I ask you are you ready to meet the challenge of becoming either an agented or a self-published author?

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

You tell me what new author you discovered in 2010. I am finishing reading "Return the Heart" by TK Richardson.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


A quick note about writing goals: Did you set goals last year and if so how did you do? Mine was simple, finish the first draft of my second book in The Darkside of the Medallion trilogy. Sad to say I am at the fifty percent of my goal. I was at seventy-five percent but removed almost 100 pages because I did not like the voice. I took notes and resumed writing. Good luck to all aspiring writers in the New Year.