Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pet Peeves

This could be fun; something to let you vent your opinions and ideas. The rules are simple. No direct reference to specific names, websites or blogs can appear in your answers. My first Pet Peeve is in the form of a question.

It you have researched agents/publishers who publish books in your genre, what pet peeve prevents you from placing them on your short-list?

Any agent, who says in their submission guidelines, if they are not interested in your manuscript they, simply will not respond to your query. This falls into my “Bummer” category. I mean here you are after many years of writing, editing and researching whom to submit your query to and they tell you they will not take the time to acknowledge your efforts.

What are your pet peeves?


  1. If they don't accept email queries I'm less likely to submit. Your pet peeve is the first on my list though... it doesn't take much time to type a person's name into a form rejection to at least acknowledge that they received your query letter.

  2. Hi Kristy
    I agree with you. The days of submitting queries by mail are slowly disappearing. I do still see a few agents who only accept queries via the post office. I am using Query Tracker and for my first round of query submissions. I also cross off the agents who do not accept email queries. Another pet peeve involves agents who have a blog for writers and when you check them out they only accept queries from published authors. I find this amusing because 99% of their followers are unpublished.
