I decided to break up my blog into several topics. Yesterdays post was designed to get the reader to question my comments on writing. Today’s post falls under aids for the writer such as books and magazines. What does a novice writer have in common with a published author? Hint
we both love to write is not the answer I am searching for. We both have and use publications written to help the writer improve his/her craft.
The word publications include books on writing, reference books for writers and writer’s magazines. Even the dictionary defines publication as the act of making printed material, especially books (Encarta Dictionary: English (North America). The internet has changed this definition to include eBooks, eZines and videos. The following list includes the books and magazines I own, have read and use to hone my craft.
Writing The Breakout Novel by Donald Maass. Writer’s Digest Books, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2001, ISBN: 0-89879-995-3 (hardcover), ISBN: 1-58297-182-X (paperback).
Handbook of Novel Writing by the editors of Writer’s Digest. Writer’s Digest Books, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2002, ISBN: 0-89879-831-0 (paperback).
The Writers Handbook 2004 by Editor Barry Turner. Published by Macmillan, UK, (Look for the newest printing).
Techniques of the Selling Writer by Dwight V. Swain. 13th printing, University of Oklahoma Press Norman, IBSN: 0-8061-1191-7 (paperback).
The Complete Handbook of Novel Writing by Meg Leder, Jack Heffron and the Editors of Writer’s Digest. Writer’s Digest Books, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2007,ISBN: 1-58297-159-5 (paperback).
Book Proposals That Sell by W. Terry Whalin. Write Now Publications, Nashville, TN 37222, 2005, ISBN: 1-932124-64-0 (paperback).
Universal Keys for Writers by Ann Raimes. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston New York, 2003 (Look for newest printing).
Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell. Writer’s Digest Books, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2008, 7th printing, ISBN: 978-1-58297-294-7 (paperback).
On Writing by Steven King. Pocket Books, New York, 2002, 16th printing, ISBN: 978-0-7434-5596-1 (paperback).
Poets and Writers Magazine by Poets and Writers, Inc. www.pw.org .
Writer’s Digest Magazine by Writer’s Digest. www.writersdigest.com
The Writer Magazine by Kalmbach Publishing Co.
This is my list of books and magazines. Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass is an outstanding book. From the book: Insider advice for taking your fiction to the next level. My copy is dog-eared and underlined in red ink. He talks about setting the stakes for your protagonist, time and place, characters, plot, contemporary plot, multiple viewpoints, subplots, pace, voice, endings, advanced plot structures, theme and breaking out from the pack. Well worth reading and having a copy on your bookshelf. A few of the above books I purchased on eBay at a substantial savings. The remainder I bought from Amazon in their used book section. The books that are described as like new are in excellent condition. I will be glad to answer any question about the above publications. What writing books do you have and use?
Keep your pens filled with ink and keep writing.
David Ferretti